Vectice Featured Among Hottest Data Science Tools!

Thanks to Amplify Partners Sarah Catanzaro, Pete Soderling and Abe Gong for featuring Vectice on the 20 Hottest Data Science Tools list. We are sincerely flattered!

“Vectice is uniquely good at tracking, documenting, organizing all AI assets (e.g datasets, features, models, experiments, dashboards, notebooks) and the underlying domain knowledge to successfully manage and scale the enterprise AI initiatives.”

We recommend checking out their profiles for awesome data-related content:

Sarah Catanzaro
Pete Soderling

Abe Gong

Read the full article here

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Vectice Featured Among Hottest Data Science Tools!

December 18, 2021

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Thanks to Amplify Partners Sarah Catanzaro, Pete Soderling and Abe Gong for featuring Vectice on the 20 Hottest Data Science Tools list. We are sincerely flattered!

“Vectice is uniquely good at tracking, documenting, organizing all AI assets (e.g datasets, features, models, experiments, dashboards, notebooks) and the underlying domain knowledge to successfully manage and scale the enterprise AI initiatives.”

We recommend checking out their profiles for awesome data-related content:

Sarah Catanzaro
Pete Soderling

Abe Gong

Read the full article here