The world of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence keeps growing. These fields are rapidly evolving and attracting more talent every day. That’s why 2022 will be another exciting year for data science conferences. Read on to discover which events to attend in 2022!
The Data Summit: The New Oil Of The Digital Age

Location: Virtual Conference
Dates: March 9
The Data Summit provides an opportunity to learn about the latest information, trends, and techniques centered around the changes within enterprise data. Learn about end-user case studies from various industry verticals such as healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, technology, security among others that deal with the data journey of various organizations.
MLconf: Lessons in Machine Learning Best Practices

Location: New York, USA
Dates: March 31
MLconf is designed to discuss the recent research and application of algorithms, tools, and platforms to solve hard problems that exist within organizing and analyzing massive and noisy data sets. This conference is suitable for data scientists, engineers, researchers, technical leadership, co-founders, professors and students.

Location: Virtual Conference
Dates: April 5 - 6
The NLP Summit is the conference for those putting natural language processing to good use. Learn about best practices, real-world case studies, challenges in applying deep learning & transfer learning in practice – and the latest open source libraries, models & transformers you can use today. It brings together the growing NLP community interested in building language understanding applications used in healthcare, life science, finance, eCommerce, media, recruiting, and more.
International Conference on Applied Statistics and Data Analytics

Location: Boston, USA
Dates: April 21 - 22
This conference brings together academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange their experiences and research results on applied statistics and data analytics. It provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges and solutions in the fields of applied statistics and data analytics.
MLOps World: Conference on Machine Learning in Production

Location: Toronto, Canada
Dates: June 7 - 10
Learn best practices, methods, and principles for putting ML models into production environments. Topics covered include version management, feature engineering, pipeline scheduling optimizations and effective ML strategies. Each pass includes community networking, demos, career fairs, workshops and interactive conference sessions.
The Future Of The Data Leader: Data & Analytics Summit

Location: Virtual Conference
Dates: June 16 - 18
Connect with 60+ senior data & analytics leaders for a curated agenda focused on tackling your current business-critical challenges and driving the industry forward. Stay current with emerging business trends and understand the impact of new technologies. De-risk and accelerate projects by gaining a broad range of insights through meaningful partnerships.
Data + AI Summit 2022: Building The Modern Cloud Data Stack On The Data Lakehouse

Location: San Francisco, USA
Dates: June 27 - 30
The world’s largest data and AI conference returns live in San Francisco and in our new hybrid format. Four days packed with keynotes by industry visionaries, technical sessions, hands-on training and networking opportunities. Learn about best practices and use cases around MLOps, data engineering, SQL analytics, the Python ecosystem and more. You can also get certified with new certification bundles that include one or two-day courses with an exam.
Gartner Data & Analytics Summit

Location: Orlando, USA
Dates: August 22 - 24
Gartner Data & Analytics Summit addresses the most significant challenges that data analytics leaders face as they build the innovative and adaptable organizations of the future. Learn how to simplify organizational decision-making in a complex world and transform uncertainty into opportunity by using data and analytics to drive innovation and manage change effectively.
The AI Summit: From R&D to ROI

Location: Silicon Valley, USA
Dates: September 28 - 29
Get exclusive insights into AI projects from all corners of the industry. Engage with the pioneers of AI development with over a hundred Fortune 500 decision makers. Connect with industry peers and engage in strategic conversations on how to prepare for an AI-powered future. Meet with representatives of dozens of AI companies and partners innovating in the space.

Location: New York, USA
Dates: Dec 7- 8
Showcasing the best of applied AI with a strong commercial and enterprise focus. Tracks provide the audience with opportunities to dig deeper into the implementation and challenges of AI for business. Keynote speakers will present deep-dive sessions into AI applications. You can also participate in interactive polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions.